Hey, I was browsing blogs through Adgitize when I came across yours. I was like hesitant to click the marryafilina.net because I thought it would be some useless scam. So when I read the first post I was delighted I dropped by. Well yeah I'm a Filipina and a little flattered with the article..haha
I love the "Delikadesa – pride in doing the right thing." part..
I know it wasn't your article but good job on finding it. Well anyway, thought I'd let you know you're in one of the best niche!
August 21, 2009 at 9:15 PM
Hey, I was browsing blogs through Adgitize when I came across yours. I was like hesitant to click the marryafilina.net because I thought it would be some useless scam. So when I read the first post I was delighted I dropped by. Well yeah I'm a Filipina and a little flattered with the article..haha
I love the "Delikadesa – pride in doing the right thing." part..
I know it wasn't your article but good job on finding it. Well anyway, thought I'd let you know you're in one of the best niche!
January 15, 2010 at 3:44 AM
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